Sunday, January 4, 2009

I heart these guys!

I wish I had the next few photos in this series. They are of Ty taking a nose-dive into the sand and loving every second of it! We watched the Vegas New year's eve show of Robbie Madison's insane motorcyle jump. (I'd set up a link for those who missed it but there is an unedited swear word at the end of it. If you choose to, you can look it up on youtube or just google it.)
Ty says he wants to be Robbie Madison when he grows up. For some reason, I'm terrified to say, I believe him. Please pray for a return of his Tiger Woods obsession. Golf seems a bit safer than extreme motorcycle stunts.


  1. If you want him to get over his stunt obsession, you need to fight it, not fight it. Just buy him a fast bike, force him into a 100 foot jump and see if he wants to ride anymore.

  2. Part of the problem is that the kid "feeds" his face with any sugar he can find and he goes completely nuts. I've thrown away every bit of sugar in our house so hopefully he'll settle. He threw my lap-top across the room this afternoon so I probably shouldn't have rewarded him with a pack of gum for being a good boy this morning. It was so sad. After I sent him to his room all he wanted to know was if it was going to make his daddy sad at him.
