Friday, November 27, 2009


I've been struggling lately with all the excess. Excess clothes. Excess food. Excess apathy. It's just too much! A couple of my children needed some pants that would cover their ankles so we went shopping last week and one of them kept asking for more, more, more. (In an effort to protect her first grade feelings...I won't tell you which child it was.) Anyway, I said no and with an arm-full of soon to be purchased stuff, she pouted "I never get anything!"

I was doing the laundry this morning and somewhere hidden in the huge pile of excess, I found those same pants, tags still attached, unworn and forgotten.

For weeks, we've been planning to see the movie, BLINDSIDE, to entertain us after we gorged ourselves with holiday delights. I was really excited to see this movie for two, it looked really good and two, I thought it could illustrate to my children how blessed and lucky they truly are.

The movie is about Michael Oher, a BIG dude who, basically, has no one to take care of him or care about him until, this family (played by Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw) with lots of excess, takes him in. He learns how to study, he learns how to be loved, and he learns how to play football. On the field one day as he is struggling to learn his place, his "new" mother stalks out and shows him how to protect his quarterbacks' BLINDSIDE like he was his "family."

Well, Michael does more for this family, in teaching them about what is truly important than they do for him by buying him some new big & tall clothes. And in so doing, Michael, protects them from their own excess-driven blindsides.

The movie is great! I would recommend it to anyone. There were a few little situational naughties that were too much for small ears but still worth the lesson that can be taught.

See the movie. Let me know what you think.

Picture borrowed from the world wide web! Thanks

Thursday, November 19, 2009

crazy busy!

We are all slammed with stuff to do. It's nuts! But I'm excited for Jaren and his family to move back here.

I wonder if he'll get out of bed early enough to work out with me. :)