Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I climbed a mountain a few days ago. My brother and I hiked good and hard for 12 hours straight. All the way up and then all the way down. I'm not sure which direction is harder. It was an exercise in drive and determination. We REALLY wanted to summit and we just kept moving until we got there.

On the way down we talked about how it's not really very fun to climb mountains. It's work! You have to be pretty mentally tough about getting up there and you can't quit. I'm still pretty sore from the whole thing but I learned something...

If you want to, you can do anything. Physically, you can keep going for a loooonnngg time even if you think you are exhausted. If you are motivated and brave enough to try...you can do it. The effort is always worth it.

Thank you, Jaren, for suffering with me.


  1. ya, know what you mean...sleep deprived and can't walk down the stairs without cringing.

  2. Thanks, Jen. Looking forward to next summer.
