Sunday, February 8, 2009


Except for last night when he pouted himself to sleep and stayed that way for the entire Madison vs. Rigby basketball game. Madison won. For the uninformed out there...the Madison and Rigby rivalry is one of the most intense and long-standing rivalries in the state. So much, that when I was in school, there were several "rumbles" that had to be broken up by police, fights between teams, and even once a Rigby girl drove by in her car, grabbed a Madison girl through the window and proceeded to drag her to the Maverick three blocks away. No kidding.
We, as a family, have attended most of the home games this season and this particular match-up is the only one that has been sold out; the stands were filled with almost as many Rigby Trojans as there were Madison Bobcats. It was loud! And the refs were terrible! There was even a certain sports fanatical stake-president sitting near us (and by near, I mean, directly behind) who offered many a loud opinion in reference to the referees ineptitude. "He's an anticipation ref! He blew his whistle before it even happened." I could go on....However, the whole point of this was to share that Ty SLEPT through ALL of it.

Go Figure.

Just as a side note: I just spell-checked this and the only thing my computer found off about this paragraph was the word RIGBY!!!!

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