There is something about listening to the wind that slowly sucks the life right out of me and makes me feel completely alone and needy. I hate to admit it but when the wind blows and my inner princess colors start to fly and I want just want to lay in bed, ring a bell, and have all my wishes served to me on a silver platter. I don't even want to expend the energy to figure out what my wishes are; I just want them delivered. And now. I want my mind read and my belly and my soul fed.
There is a bouldering route that I have been working on for months now. (In the gym, because the weather is too crappy to entice me outside.) It had occupied so many of my thoughts that, in a way, it became a tangible item that I could carry around with me. When I first tried this route on the suggestion of another climber, I could not even do the first move. For me, the holds were more crimpy than what I was accustomed to and often, while working this route, my right wrist and forearm would fatigue much sooner than my desire and determination. Over time, I got stronger and I added to my route sequence until I could complete every move except the last one without even thinking about it. I could visualize each move in my head and I dreamt about it often. But, that last move! Ugh, it consumed me and I did it wrong so many times that my tangible item become something that carried me around. Finally, with support, encouragement, and constant beta from other climbers, I was finally able to send it. It was awesome. But, sadly, it felt a little anti-climatic for me. Stupid, right? In prior athletic endeavors, when I have finished or won a race, my family is often there and they hug me in celebration. And last night, that was missing. I mean, Ty was there but he's a little too big for his britches if-ya-know-what-I-mean...and hugging his mom in public is no longer cool and I wanted a proper hug. I have become spoiled by supportive loved ones.
So, here's my question. Now what? Now that this route is no longer fueling me, what do I put my energy into for the summer? I'm pretty sure my yellow route won't miss me as it will have plenty of company but I kinda feel a little lost now.
Ridiculous, I know. The moon is full, and I mean full...have you seen it? And this wind is making me crazy! So, help me out and tell me...Now what?
La Salvation
3 years ago
I've been there, oh how I've been there. With school. With a route. With my life. You put it so well, how it becomes something tangible you can take with you. It does. You take that route and can put it in your pocket, take it with you, and do it anywhere. I used to do mine before bed, to go to sleep, or to replace a bad dream. Now what? You find a new one. A new goal. A new something to consume your thoughts. I'm STILL looking for mine